Thursday, October 23, 2008

Preschool Field Trip to the Pumpkin Patch 10-23-08

Jake picked out his pumpkin and went back to the hayride.
Josh picked out his pumpkin... and he rode the straw horse.

Josh and part of his classmates with Mrs. Lindsey. The kids were split into their classrooms, then into two groups so I was trying to run around and take pictures with both boys.

Josh and Jayden above feeding the goats and rabbits and watching the chickens run around.

Here is Jake on the straw horse and on the hay ride... somehow I didn't get a picture of him with Mrs. Robin. She and I were walking behind the tractor the kids were riding on and she told me she is expecting a BOY so contrats to Mrs. Robin!

This is Jake with Hopelyn, she rides the bus with him and I talk to her in the mornings when I am on my walk and she is waiting for the bus. She always tells me that her new baby brother kept everyone awake.

Getting ready to head out for the bus... Jake on the left, Josh on the right.

Today was crazy mis-match sock day at school. you don't get the full look here, but they were decorated for Halloween and have flashing lights on the sides!

We went to the Flower Pot just south of Elkton with the Preschool field trip. All 3 morning classes came with their teachers and helpers. They played, went for a hay ride, picked out pumpkins, looked at some farm animals and went through a corn maze and a straw bale maze. They all had lunch on blankets under some trees and headed back to school. It was a fun day. The boys napped a little, Grandma Pat is visiting and we're hoping to get in a soccer game tonight- busy schedule these guys keep to be 4 years old!

1 comment:

Kiesha said...

They looked like they really enjoyed the trip.

I love love love the Halloween shirts and socks. Too cute.