Saturday, August 23, 2008


Josh asked me who put all these sunflowers there and I told him that the farmer put the seeds in the ground but God sent the rain and the sunshine and made them grow- he said that was nice of him.
Josh posing pretty....

Josh giving Jake the "what are you doing?" face...

I loved this one sunflower going against the crowd and facing the opposite direction...

a bee going about its business...

Jake peeking out....
My buddy Paul Dickinson has a beautiful field of sunflowers in front of his parents house- Sunflowers as far as you can see! We were on our way back from Clarksville and decided to take a few quick pictures. There was a glare so it was tough to get pictures that weren't squinty faced. I haven't seen anything like this since we traveled from Berlin to Poland and saw a field of sunflowers on the side of the road. This is the first time I've ever been able to stop and take pictures- and now we have such great subjects to take pictures of! ;)

Jump Zone!

We made our first trip to Jump Zone in Clarksville on Friday to celebrate the boys first full week of school being completed. We took Arianna (Our neighbor Brandy's niece) with us and the boys had fun bouncing with her.

Waiting for the bus...

Josh waiting for the bus and Jake getting on with Mrs. Lisa....

the boys get soooooo excited when they see the bus coming down the street- it's the highlight of their day!

Cubbies- August 20th

The boys have a new love now- her name is Gracey. She is on the front row next to Josh. They are both smitten with her and she is a real cutie!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Home from School

Here they come! They were so excited to tell us all about the fun day they had. Jake said he was ok. He said he got upset just for a minute but then he was ok. He said it was a lot all at once and he got scared for a minute then he realized it was ok and he had fun. He sounds so grown up when he talks.

Coming down the street bringing the boys home!

The boys made it home safe and sound and they had a great time. They loved riding on the bus. I called Frank and he came home early to see them get off the bus. They were happy to be home and they are excited about going back. It was fun to see and hear the excitement when they told us about their first day. I thought $1.50 was kind of pricey for preschoolers lunch but if Jake ate all he says he did he made out pretty well! LOL! Jake says he had a cheeseburger, grilled cheese, bread sticks, milk and french fries (I'm guessing that is a run down of what was available to pick from!) Josh said he had a cheeseburger and some brown milk. I asked Jake what the last thing they did at school was and he told me got on the bus and sat down. I asked what they did before that and he said they stood in line for the bus. I asked what they did before that and he said left the classroom.... yes, I asked again and he told me they got their back packs off the wall. I finally asked if the last thing they did before they got ready to go home was to eat lunch and he said yes. I figured I'd go join them for lunch someday and I was trying to find out when to go- long way to a short answer! LOL!

August 18th First Day of Preschool

Check out these handsome boys!!!!
Jake is ready to go see Mrs. Robin and see what fun stuff she has for him to do today. He's looking forward to seeing Josh on the playground too!
Jake above, Josh below- such big boys!

the new back packs...
Josh is anxious to get going. Jake was up off and on all night so he was ready to go back to bed!

Josh getting ready to head off for school and hanging up his back pack below.

Jake hanging up his back pack
Jake and Mrs. Robin Jake got a little upset and cried a little after I dropped him off and I went back to calm him down and I got upset too- he wanted to come home. They said he would be fine and I waited outside the door and he was fine in no time. Dianne went to check on him and said he was doing good. When I got home Mrs. Robin called and said that another little girl sitting with him got upset and started crying and it upset him and that is why he started. She said he was doing good and had told her about a cash register he had at home and all kinds of stuff- said he was talking up a storm so I felt better. She said he was looking forward to riding on the bus too.
Mom and the boys...
all ready to go! They wanted to ride the bus when they saw it come down the street but I told them I was going to take them today and get them settled in their rooms and they could ride the bus in the morning and they said that would be nice. They crack me up! I can't believe how big they are already!

Josh getting settled in Mrs. Lindsey's class.

Frank was at work so I recruited Mom early this morning to help me get the boys to their first day of school. The boys kept asking if Frank was going to come but I told them they were stuck with Mom and Granny! ;) She held onto Josh for me while I got Jake settled. Josh looked in to see what Jake's class looked like before we made our way down to his room. They were big boys and did great.
Jake getting settled in Mrs. Robin's class.
Well it's official. My baby boys are in preschool now. :( I did fine until I saw the other Moms all teared up then it just hit me and I teared up too. The boys were amazed at all the Moms and Dads that were crying and Jake asked what was wrong with all of us. He didn't see me cry but I think he heard in my voice that I was sad.

August 15th Museum- Back to School bash

Jake above and Josh below.

Today I took the boys to the Clarksville Museum. They wanted to call Ruben to join them but I told them he was in school already so we'd have to go another day with him. They played in the grocery store and rolled balls on the tracks, we read stories, played puppets and played some more in the grocery store then we left and got slushies at Sonic and came home to get ready for the Back to School Bash at the School. They went on a hay ride and played on the bouncers there and got to visit with their teachers. Frank got home from Louisville and went with us to the school- poor Granny and her sore knee went along too.

August 12th Outdoor Haircuts and A night at Old Chicago

Josh above and Jake below.....

Granny gave the boys a haircut to get ready for school next week. We did something a little different this time and they got hair cuts outside. Once they were finished they bounced on the trampoline. Frank was out of town on a post office trip this week so Pokey, Ashley and I took the boys out for a night on the town. We went to Kohl's, Walmart and we at at Old Chicago. They got to make their own pizzas which they thought was great!