Monday, September 8, 2008

any secret cures?

Does anyone know a secret cure for a ruptured ear drum? If so please share! I've been taking antibiotics for a sinus infection since before we went to Florida last month. My ears keep hurting worse all the time, so bad that it keeps me up for hours during the night. I keep going back for more shots and more antibiotics. No luck getting over it. Sunday morning about 1:30 I woke up when I had a pop in my ear and then a static sound. I got to the doctor today and found out it had ruptured in one ear and the tubes in both ears are really swollen. No more antibiotics this time, just steroid shots. Hopefully in a couple of weeks it will be better.

so, if you know of any quick fixes... I'm all ears.... sorry, I need to go to bed! lol!

I also asked if he had any idea why I'm not losing more weight since I'm walking 4 days a week after the boys get on the bus and I'm drinking lots of water and watching what I eat pretty closely- except on pizza night when I splurge and have two slices! I was shocked to find out two of the medicines I take to avoid having migraines are steroids! I finally quit taking prednosone after being on it two years and gaining 45 pounds and still having migraines that lasted weeks at a time. (They said that is a low gain for that long on it and they expected it to be double that- I wish someone had told me before I started taking it!) 45 pounds is a lot, especially when you are nly 5'1"! So, hopefully I can join the gym or find something that works to get this weight off again. I told the Dr. if I had gained it eating cake and pie that would be ok but this stinks! ;) I was below my pre-pregnancy weight before I started taking prednosone and only had 2 and a half pounds to lose to make my goal. I'm trying to get back on track in spite of the meds. We'll see what happens. Ok, I really need to go to bed! ;) Marla

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