Thursday, May 21, 2009

Preschool Graduation!!! 5-20-09 My babies are growing up! :(

Jake in blue and Josh in red. I'm so proud of these guys!!!!

Josh got the award for being the most observant student in his class. Mrs. Lindsey said he noticed anything that was different, when something was added to the calendar, pretty much anything new going on.
Jake got the award for best teacher's assistant. Mrs. Robin said he was a great helper and he was always happy to take things back and forth to brother's class when she needed someone to run errands for her.
Josh and his teacher Mrs. Lindsey Monroe...
Jake and his teacher Mrs. Robin Cardwell....


6L's said...

can't beleive our babies will be starting kindergarten in a few short months!

Kiesha said...

I can't believe they are no longer in preschool. I won't even allow myself to think about the fall. Just trying to cherish every moment right now.

I would love for you guys to come over, I never know what kind of day I will be having until I wake up but I can call you early one morning if you let me know what days you don't have any plans. I would hate for the boys to see me on a bad day, but you could take them outside but it would be hard for me keep myself in.

Just let me know what works for you. I feel like I haven't seen you guys in forever and the boys are growing so. Ruben reminds me all the time that Josh and Jake did not get to come to his party because I was in the hospital, I apologize to him but I think it's something he will never forget.
Oh well, we do the best we can I guess.
Talk soon. I would call but no one ever answers, I'm not sure your phone even works ;)