Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Playdate with Roo and Rissa!!

Ruben was here and went with me to get the boys off the bus today. I didn't tell them he was coming so it was a fun surprise. He is in preschool in Hopkinsville and they are on spring break this week so Kiesha brought Marissa and Ruben over to play.
They made necklaces and had a great time looking at all the beads and deciding which ones to use.
Kiesha with Jake
Ruben had a lot of fun stringing his necklace and "Baby Rissa" had fun playing with the tape!
Kiesha with Josh

Josh and Jake are working hard on their necklaces. This was a lot of fun and kept them busy. We're planning to dye Easter Eggs on Friday. That has become a tradition with all of the kiddos- we started before Marissa was born!

1 comment:

Kiesha said...

Wow, you work fast. You had these up before I even got home. It was such a fun day. Can't wait until Friday to do the easter egg hunt and color them.

If the boys have any plastic eggs that they have gotten on there other easter egg hunt, could you bring them so we will have more to hide. I have two small bags. If not I can pick up some. Tomorrow is just going to be busy busy busy!