Monday, April 14, 2008

it's official they are nuts!

the boys were playing quietly in the bathroom last night- never a good thing but you take a little quiet when you can get it sometimes right?! they were talking about being the patient and the doctor and doing surgery and putting on bandages. after hearing that I had to check it out- I should have taken pictures.... the bandages were pantyliners and they were giving each other shots in the arm with tampons. They would have been mortified by them in a few years. At the time I just wanted to clean up the mess so I didn't take any pics. They had pulled a pillow and blanket in the floor and were taking turns being the patient. It's the best they had played together all day!

never a dull moment! ;) Marla

1 comment:

Kiesha said...

I would give anything to have pictures of that so I could use it against them when they are teenagers :) That is too funny!