Friday, January 2, 2009

How sad...

Ok, I'm a sap, I know. But I was just thinking today, the boys are 4 and I don't have that many memories from when I was that age so I realized all the fun stuff we do and places we go they will probably never remember when they are older. I know it is part of growing up and all of that but what a bummer! LOL!

At least I have chronicled every waking moment in scrapbooks- no kidding, you should see the size of these crazy things- and I make three! One for me and one for each of the boys. I guess my love of scrapbooking and preserving things for them will come in handy some day when they are teenagers and think they are neglected! lol! I need sleep! ;) Marla

1 comment:

6L's said...

Marla, I can relate to how you feel. I often feel the very same way and that is sooo sad! :( I hardly remember anything about my childhood and I don't know if that's good or bad, lol?! Your boys had better appreciate all your hard work on those scrapbooks!