Thursday, May 29, 2008

preschool sceening...

We went to the preschool screening Wed. afternoon and Jake loved it. He wanted to just stay until school starts- August 18th.

I had to fill out a million papers- twice. they had a hearing and vision screening and they tested their verbal. motor, communication skills, three or four other categories. they got to play games, build stuff with blocks- they would build something and ask them to duplicate it from memory. they did really well. On motor skills one of the women from my church tested Jake and she said the highest score they had had all day was 8 so far and Jake got 19 out of 20 so thank goodness they haven't inherited my jello brain... although this is just preschool so there's still time! lol!

they score them based on a percentage scale of other kids their age so the scores mean they are equal to or above a certain percentage of other kids their age who took the test. clear as mud? they got in the mid to high 80's on everything except Josh on one test decided to leave and go see what Jake was doing (should have taken one in the morning and one in the afternoon to make it easier) he thought Jake was doing something more fun than he was so he told them he was bored and moving to another table. I about fainted! they scored what he had done already on that one and he got 38 in that group so I guess that was pretty good for not finishing the test.
they got to play in the playroom while i finished up paperwork and they discovered they have a kid sized potty, sink, and water fountain so they checked those out several times. Jake loved everything about it and didn't want to leave. Josh said he didn't want to go to school. Jake was excited about everything- the idea of riding the bus, the playground, the computers, the classroom, the other kids- he's talked about it all day. Josh says he didn't like that place that it was a bad place filled with bad kids and he wants to stay home. It should be interesting next fall!!!

they don't have any further testing or remedial classes to do before they start, just a home visit from the teacher and getting all the documentation and appointments- eye exam, physical, all of that taken care of.

I can't believe my baby boys are old enough for preschool!!!! time sure flies and i'm not ready for it.... most days anyway! LOL!


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