We went to the preschool screening Wed. afternoon and Jake loved it. He wanted to just stay until school starts- August 18th.
I had to fill out a million papers- twice. they had a hearing and vision screening and they tested their verbal. motor, communication skills, three or four other categories. they got to play games, build stuff with blocks- they would build something and ask them to duplicate it from memory. they did really well. On motor skills one of the women from my church tested Jake and she said the highest score they had had all day was 8 so far and Jake got 19 out of 20 so thank goodness they haven't inherited my jello brain... although this is just preschool so there's still time! lol!
they score them based on a percentage scale of other kids their age so the scores mean they are equal to or above a certain percentage of other kids their age who took the test. clear as mud? they got in the mid to high 80's on everything except Josh on one test decided to leave and go see what Jake was doing (should have taken one in the morning and one in the afternoon to make it easier) he thought Jake was doing something more fun than he was so he told them he was bored and moving to another table. I about fainted! they scored what he had done already on that one and he got 38 in that group so I guess that was pretty good for not finishing the test.
they got to play in the playroom while i finished up paperwork and they discovered they have a kid sized potty, sink, and water fountain so they checked those out several times. Jake loved everything about it and didn't want to leave. Josh said he didn't want to go to school. Jake was excited about everything- the idea of riding the bus, the playground, the computers, the classroom, the other kids- he's talked about it all day. Josh says he didn't like that place that it was a bad place filled with bad kids and he wants to stay home. It should be interesting next fall!!!
they don't have any further testing or remedial classes to do before they start, just a home visit from the teacher and getting all the documentation and appointments- eye exam, physical, all of that taken care of.
I can't believe my baby boys are old enough for preschool!!!! time sure flies and i'm not ready for it.... most days anyway! LOL!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Saturday Adventures
We went to lunch with Pokey, Ashley and Ashley's boyfriend Kevin today. We went to their house first so the boys could play with Freddy. After lunch we went to Hobby Lobby and Kevin and Ashley got more than they bargained for when the boys only wanted to hang out with them!
More Cubbies pictures...
My Crazy Friend
Dana and I have been best friends for years- since high school. we've kept close ever since we met. We've lived all over the world and never seem to have managed to be living at home at the same time but we always get together every chance we get. She is living in Indiana now and got remarried in Jan. to the sweetest guy- Tim. They seem to be a great match and I think she is really going to be happy- she sure deserves it! Here are some pictures of us together and with the kids. Connor and Chelsea are some of the boys favorite playmates and I wish we were living close together so they could grow up together. We'll have to settle for getting together as often as we can. We had fun talking about silly stuff we've done over the years, crazy people we know, idiots we dated lol!
Strawberry Patch
Kissing Cubbies!!!
I took some pictures of the boys at Cubbies at church the night we got back from our vacation. The boys insisted on wearing their Corvette shirts they got earlier in the day. The boys have both had a crush on Ava, then Jake decided to focus on Taylor Swift since he wants to marry her someday.... Ava and Josh have really been cute holding hands the last few times we have been to Cubbies so I thought I'd try to get a picture of them together. When I got home and downloaded them I realized I caught a picture of Ava giving Josh a kiss on the cheek and his over the moon reaction afterwards! LOL!
Last Day of our Trip- Corvette Museum in Bowling Green KY
The boys had a ball at the Corvette Museum. There was a woman named Becky there to pick up her Atomic Orange Corvette convertible. She asked the boys if they would like to sit in it and it made their day! On the way home we went to Chaney's Dairy Barn and got the most delicious homemade ice cream- toasted coconut and homemade banana. The boys got blue moon and purple cow.
Day two of Vacation- Kentucky Down Under and Swimming
We went to KY Down Under which is a really awesome place. We all got to pet Kangaroos! Josh wasn't into it but he finally gave in and gave them a pat before we left. The boys watched while Mom and Dad fed some birds. They also got to feed a baby sheep with a bottle. We also toured a cave which the boys enjoyed a lot more than we thought they would.
First Day of Vacation- Dinosaur World, Lunch and Go Carts!
On our way to Cave City we stopped in Bowling Green for lunch and ate at Double Dogs. The boys thought it was great because they served their food in dog bowls. It doesn't take much to entertain a 4 year old!
We went to Cave City planning to go to Guntown Mountain but it wasn't open except on the weekend so we ended up going to Dinosaur World which was a pretty neat place. The boys favorite parts of the trip were swimming at the hotel pool and riding the go carts across the street!
May 11th Mother's Day and My Brother's Birthday!
We went to Sunday school and church where the boys sung "Happy Mother's Day to you" in a group with the other kids and then they gave us each a flower. They were so sweet! After we got home from church we picked up Granny and headed to Hopkinsville to my brother's house to get together and cook out. It was a chilly windy day so we let him cook and we ate inside. Frank's Mom, Skip and his Mom Eloise joined us. Laura and the girls made Paul a cake and the kids played all afternoon. It was a really fun day!
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